اختبار العصبية. اختبار العصبيه

Molecular genetics of bipolar disorder and depression Comparing the centrality of DSM and non-DSM symptoms of depression in a network analysis
2009 Dec 119 1-3 :124-131 , Vieta, Eduard, Reinares, M

, Barakat, M, Miguelez, M.

إخـتـبـــــآر العصبيـــه للبنــآآت
Serotonin 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, and 5-HT2A receptor mRNA expression in subjects with major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia
اختبار نفسي عصبي
The American Journal of Psychiatry
البرمجة اللغوية العصبية / تقنية “ سويش “
Psychiatric Clinics of North America
The American Journal of Psychiatry Cognitive impairment in depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis Cambridge University Press
Current Psychiatry Reports, 21 6 , 1-7 Screening for Depression in a Community Sample

Neurofeedback as a Treatment Intervention in ADHD: Current Evidence and Practice.

اختبار نقص الانتباه مع فرط النشاط: مجموعة التقييم العصبي
Journal of Neural Transmission, 115 2 , 211-220
رابط اختبار العصبية docs 😡 🚶 ♂؟
2013 May 11 129 :1-14
اختبار نقص الانتباه مع فرط النشاط: مجموعة التقييم العصبي
2009 Feb 26 2 :153-161
Journal of Neural Transmission, 124 S1 , 3-26 Hopelessness, Depression, Suicidal Ideation, and Clinical Diagnosis of Depression
Harvard Mental Health Letter, 14 11 , 4-6 Examining the roles of metacognitive beliefs and maladaptive aspects of perfectionism in depression and anxiety

1996 Jun 19 2 :179-200.

7 اختبارات هامة.. يجب على متعافي كورونا أن يجريها
Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Span: A Sensitive Measure of Cognitive Deficits in Children With ADHD
اختبار نفسي عصبي
2015 Jan 28 1 :7-12
الجهاز العصبي
1982 Oct 39 10 :1195-1200