قبرص اين تقع. كيف تستمتع بالسياحة في جزيرة قبرص وما أهم معالمها؟ • تسعة

Barbara Rose Johnston, Susan Slyomovics The international community found this declaration invalid, on the ground that Turkey had occupied territory belonging to Cyprus and that the putative state was therefore an infringement on Cypriot sovereignty
James Ker-Lindsay; Hubert Faustmann; Fiona Mullen 15 May 2011 Peter Neville 22 March 2013

Eyal Benvenisti 23 February 2012.

كولوسي (قلعة قبرص): وصف, التاريخ, حقائق مثيرة للاهتمام و الآراء
European Consortium for Church-State Research
قبرص والتأشيرة من الرياض
Richard Sharpley 16 May 2012
اين تقع قبرص وما هي اهم المدن السياحية في قبرص
There is little data concerning recognition of the 'legal status' of religions in the occupied territories, since any acts of the 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' are not recognized by either the Republic of Cyprus or the international community
Dr Anders Wivel; Robert Steinmetz 28 March 2013
Faustmann, Hubert; Ker-Lindsay, James 2008 British efforts to secure Turkey's removal from its surrogate territory after 1974 failed

Classified as illegal under international law, and now due to Cyprus' accession into the is also an illegal occupation of EU territory.

كولوسي (قلعة قبرص): وصف, التاريخ, حقائق مثيرة للاهتمام و الآراء
Sharpley, Richard; Telfer, David John 2002
كيف تستمتع بالسياحة في جزيرة قبرص وما أهم معالمها؟ • تسعة
Constantine Panos Danopoulos; Dhirendra K
أين تقع جزيرة قبرص
It became the , but Britain, like the rest of the international community, except Turkey, refused to extend diplomatic recognition to the enclave In addition, since partition Turkey encouraged mainland immigration to northern Cyprus
The occupied territory included 70 percent of the island's economic potential with over 50 percent of the industrial Lesley Pender; Richard Sharpley 2005


أين تقع قبرص في أي قارة
Ecevit ordered the army to occupy the Turkish area on 20 July 1974
أين توجد مدينة قبرص
The international community, excluding Turkey, condemned the unilateral declaration of independence UDI as a
أين توجد وتقع قبرص