الصالة الخضراء بالدمام لقاح كورونا. الصالات الخضراء بالدمام

Make sure to have working internet in mobile device as Tawakalna App will be requested to open and show code to system entry operators Very well organized and managed by Saudi Ministry of Health
Green Hall currently as of writing being utilized as a Corona vaccination center Many customers fainted in line while waiting for their turn for hours under direct sun exposure

Vaccination is free and requires registration through Sehhaty App in mobile device.

الصالات الخضراء بالدمام
One of the least organized vaccine centers in the region
The Green Arena
I had to leave after waiting for around an hour under the outdoors heat with over 200 people still ahead of me in queue
The Green Arena
My appointment was in the morning, and the line was extremely long out in the morning heat


The Green Arena
The Green Arena
الصالات الخضراء بالدمام