شفاء طيبة. Shifa Taibah Polyclinic

warned us about the evil eye, especially towards our own self Dua for Children to be Devoted to Allah s
t may grant your prayers and hope for the success of your children There is no cure but Yours, a cure that leaves behind no ailment

that tells us about the importance of taking care of our family.

مجمع شفاء طيبة الطبي
Beautiful Duas For Our Children Children are gifts from Allah s
Shifa Taibah Polyclinic
It is also encouraged to see a prayer with Allah's Names
داتااوشن حلول تقنية في متناول يدك
Bless me with righteous offspring
Here are some duas that we can recite for our children: 1 Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication
to bless him with righteous offspring Dua for Children and for pious offspring This dua which we can practise was recited by Prophet Zakariyya a

The Messenger of Allah s.

Shifa Taibah Polyclinic
Thus, we should start encouraging our children to pray from a young age and gradually instilling upon them the importance and keenness of performing prayer
After all, while putting our best efforts in their upbringing, we rely upon Allah s
to grant him a pious child