الوقت في الهند. الهند.. اكتشاف بؤرة جديدة لأحد أخطر الفيروسات بالعالم

78—79, ; c Fisher, Michael H 1200-900 BCE Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda p
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal has been the subject of dispute between India and Pakistan since the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947

76, , from the original on 31 March 2017, retrieved 13 August 2019• 726, "India Republic of India; Bharat Ganarajya ".

نصائح للمسافرين إلى الهند
2018 , , Cambridge University Press, p
الساعة الآن في مومباي بالتوقيت المحلي
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies
الوقت في كولكاتا، الهند
Biswas, Soutik 29 September 2016
Kenny, Charles; Sandefur, Justin 7 October 2015 it is virtually certain that there were Homo sapiens in the subcontinent 55,000 years ago, even though the earliest fossils that have been found of them date to only about 30,000 years before the present
Dyson, Tim 2018 , , , pp 2 Although Vedic religion is very different in many regards from what is known as Classical Hinduism, the seeds are there

68—70, ; b Asher, Catherine B.

الساعة الآن في الهند
" Journal of Economic History 2009 : 269—302
الساعة الآن في مومباي بالتوقيت المحلي
Much early poetry was religious or epic; an exception was the secular court poetry written by members of the sangam, or literary academy see Sangam literature
التوقيت المحلي الحالي في الهند والأحوال الجوية في الهند
Jha, Dwijendra Narayan 2014 , , , p