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Out of the tangled scrub on the old overgrown barrow two human faces were looking out at him; the sinking sun glimmered full upon them, showing up every line and feature His beard, streaked thickly with gray, bristled forward from his chin, and spoke of a passionate nature, while the long, finely cut face and firm mouth marked the leader of men
When washed it creases so badly and just will not iron Yet I would fain have had the feather-bed

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Kind Regards Lauren Been a white company customer for many years
The White Company (Books of Wonder): Doyle, Arthur Conan, Wyeth, N. C., Glassman, Peter: 9780688078171: Books
Now, young man, what manner of a bird would you suppose a pied merlin to beā€”that being the proper sign of my hostel? Hast forgot that we are alone far from all men? I look forward to your reply
The White Company (Books of Wonder): Doyle, Arthur Conan, Wyeth, N. C., Glassman, Peter: 9780688078171: Books
I go now to Christchurch with a letter to him from Sir Claude Latour to ask him if he will take the place of Sir John Hawkwood; and there is the more chance that he will if I bring one or two likely men at my heels Now, John, the sun is over the trees; you must be brisker than this when the bugleman blows 'Bows and Bills
Where are your cords, Peterkin? Thank you for your review I am sorry for the disappointment caused to you and your friend as you have not received your very precious order for a special friend Would it not be a proud day for knight or squire if he could overthrow seven adversaries in the lists? HOW THE YELLOW COG CROSSED THE BAR OF GIRONDE

Sickerly the one duty may balance the other.

The White Company: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: 9781539023333: Books
We are well off his land now, nor can he tell in this great wood which way we have taken
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He intoned a long whining rhyme in the French tongue, and at the end of every line he raised a thick cord, all jagged with pellets of lead, and smote his companion across the shoulders until the blood spurted again
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Peter Karsdale, who was but a common country lout newly brought over, with the English fleas still hopping under his doublet, laid his great hands upon the Sieur Amaury de Chatonville, who owns half Picardy, and had five thousand crowns out of him, with his horse and harness
Hast forgotten that the five-and-thirtieth rule of the order is that in the presence of a woman the face should be ever averted and the eyes cast down? He bounded back from his perilous foeman; but the other, heated by the bout, rushed madly after him, and so gave the practised wrestler the very vantage for which he had planned Monica, mother of the holy Augustine, he was heard by brother Ambrose and others to say that he wished twenty thousand devils would fly away with the said Monica, mother of the holy Augustine, or any other saint who came between a man and his meat
Touch not that which is no concern of thine I swear by my ten finger-bones that there is not one of them that hath not cost its weight in French blood! As regards the maid, too, it is true that I did heft her over the stream, she having on her hosen and shoon, whilst I had but my wooden sandals, which could take no hurt from the water

Let him take off his plates and delve himself, if delving must be done.

The White Company: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: 9781539023333: Books
He was a man of huge stature, dark-eyed and red-headed, with a peculiar half-humorous, half-defiant expression upon his bold, well-marked features
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What say you, woodman: wilt leave the bucks to loose a shaft at a nobler mark?
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Alleyne watched him until he was small in the distance, and then, wiping the tears from his eyes, he set off briskly once more upon his journey