كم حركة للارض. مبادرة محورية

Symbols -- Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
Times Books, Henry Holt and Company Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac.

كم حركه للارض
Life, the Science of Biology: The Science of Biology
حركة الأرض
World Book Online Reference Center
كم حركة للارض .. دوران الارض حول محورها
"Early formation and long-term stability of continents resulting from decompression melting in a convecting mantle" University of California, San Diego
, , accessed 30 December 2008• Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Annual review of earth and planetary sciences

Geological Society, London, Special Publications.

كم حركة للأرض
Purves, William Kirkwood; Sadava, David; Orians, Gordon H
حركة الأرض
Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press
كم حركة للأرض
Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet