عبارات حزينه. عبارات إنجليزية حزينة مترجمة

No matter how long the darkness is, the sun will shine• Because whatever you see can inspire you Find peace in the imperfect present
I miss the hopes that we hoped together I repeat it to myself everyday!! Never trust people because once they hurt you they do it deep• I miss the dreams that we dreamt of

I want to cry and cry and then cry until I die• Always keep your eyes open.

عبارات حزينة قصيرة
I will leave far away and those who love me and care about me will find me• With all the good things I have done, I am left alone• People feel more pain if they carry a sense of
أجمل العبارات الحزينة
Life is full of seemingly endless trouble, and then life ends
عبارات حزينة قصيرة رائعة سوف تجعلك تنظر الى الحياة بشكل مختلف
Search life for good friends
Everything I was waiting for has become impossible• miss the place where we sat and talked till dawn no one cares about me no one cares about my tears• Withoutd dreams, we reach nothing
Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart• I miss your name so much

I miss everything about you! Always remember that after every winter the spring will come.

عبارات حزينة ومؤلمة
The perfected future never arrives
عبارات حزينة قصيرة
Blaming other people for things that are going wrong guarantees your continued misery
كلمات حزينه
The lack of morality makes the world more