اكبر مساحة بلد في العالم. قائمة البلدان والتبعيات حسب عدد السكان

The government and most of the world's other states consider South Ossetia a part of Georgia's territory Including the and , Russia's disputed administrative areas on the
The government and most of the world's other states consider the Crimean Peninsula a part of Ukraine's territory Administration is split between and the , both of which claim the entire territory

The UN the as a.

أكبر بلد عربي مساحة
قائمة البلدان والتبعيات حسب عدد السكان
30 205 26 206 25
ما هي اكبر دولة في العالم من حيث المساحة ؟
Excluding the and City of , Ukraine's administrative areas on the which are disputed with and de facto administered by Russia
However includes all territory in the region where there are ongoing insurgencies by separatist forces Republic of China also includes the minor islands of , , , etc
30 196 160 197 153 198 135 199 123 200 116 201 102 202 61 De facto independent, de jure part of

De facto independent, de jure part of.

ماهي ثاني أكبر دولة في العالم
De facto independent, de jure part of
أصغر 10 دول في العالم من حيث المساحة
Excludes 242,862, census 2011 and 53,559, census 2015
ترتيب دول العالم من حيث المساحة
Excluding the population of the of