طريقة التنفس الصحيحة. كيف أتنفس بطريقة صحيحة

3; pages 388—396; March 2015 Mindful Attention to Breath Regulates Emotions via Increased Amygdala-Prefrontal Cortex Connectivity
These techniques influence both physiological factors by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and psychological factors by diverting attention from thoughts A growing number of studies show that breathing techniques are effective against anxiety and insomnia


التنفس الصحيح
Self-Regulation of Breathing as a Primary Treatment for Anxiety
طريقة التنفس الصحيحة
Anselm Doll in NeuroImage, Vol
طريقة التنفس الصحيحة يمكن ان تغير حياتك للأفضل
Because these techniques are safe and easy to use, scientific validation might result in their being more frequently recommended and practiced
134, pages 305—313; July 1, 2016 More to Explore Efficacy of Paced Breathing for Insomnia: Enhances Vagal Activity and Improves Sleep Quality
2, pages 107—115; June 2015 in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Vol


طريقة الشهيق والزفير للراحة النفسية
طرق التنفس الصحيحة التي تعزز من الصحة
طريقة التنفس الصحيحة