ملك اليمن. موقع نور الدين الاسلامي / ملك اليمين / ملك اليمين

Paul Dresch A History of Modern Yemen p Roy Licklider Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End p
Gregory Gause Saudi-Yemeni Relations: Domestic Structures and Foreign Influence p Clive Leatherdale Britain and Saudi Arabia 1925-1939 The Imperial Oasis, 1983 p

Steven Charles Caton "Peaks of Yemen I Summon": Poetry as Cultural Practice in a North Yemeni Tribe p.

ملك اليمين... معناه... وأحكامه
Clive Jones 'Britain and the Yemen civil war, 1962-1965 : ministers, mercenaries and mandarins : foreign policy and the limits of covert action p
تحميل كتاب بلوغ المرام في شرح مسك الختام في من تولى ملك اليمن من ملك وإمام pdf
Massimiliano Fiore Anglo-Italian Relations in the Middle East, 1922-1940 p
تاريخ حكام اليمن : الملك ذمار علي التبع الأقرن ذو القرنين
Paul dresch,A History Of Modern Yemen p
Bernard Reich Political Leaders of the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa p Glen Balfour-Paul The end of empire in the Middle East : Britain's relinquishment of power in her last three Arab dependencies p
Chatterji Muddle of the Middle East, Volume 1 p Isa Blumi Chaos in Yemen: Societal Collapse and the New Authoritarianism p

Paul Dresch A History of Modern Yemen p.

تاريخ حكام اليمن : الملك ذمار علي التبع الأقرن ذو القرنين
Steven Charles Caton "Peaks of Yemen I Summon": Poetry as Cultural Practice in a North Yemeni Tribe p
ما تفسير وما ملكت أيمانكم
Unmaking North and South: Cartographies of the Yemeni Past, 1857-1934
المملكة المتوكلية اليمنية
Roy Licklider Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End p
, offering them, as the Law demands, an appropriate dower Dictionary Of Modern Arab History p
Paul Dresch A History of Modern Yemen p John Peterson Yemen: The Search for a Modern State P

509 Greenwood Publishing Group, Jan 1, 1990• Chatterji Muddle of the Middle East, Volume 1 p.

الإماء ( ملك اليمين )
Burrowes Historical Dictionary of Yemen p
ملك اليمين... معناه... وأحكامه
The commentators who choose this meaning hold that such slave-girls can be taken in marriage irrespective of whether they have husbands in the country of their origin or not
آيات ملك اليمين.. حكم ربانيه ظاهرة.. واجتهادات إنسانية قاصرة..
Jacob,Kings of Arabia : the rise and set of the Turkish Sovereignty in the Arabian Peninsula p