ميزانية السعودية 2021. ميزانية السعودية 2021

Military Bases and Colleges Continuing the implementation of the second phase of establishment and relocation of King Salman Base and King Faisal Air Academy Public Services Introducing Shomoos National Tourism Information Network , which provides services to link facilities and provide central databases on tourism information with the aim of developing a joint cooperation in business
Ongoing project Civil Affairs and Technical Connection Supplying, installing and operating applications and software to support and develop the infrastructure with technical and security systems, devices, and technology, thus developing an e-portal for civil status services and linking all offices Number of Government Agencies Affiliated with the Sector 19 Agencies Second: Important Project Completed in 2020 Range Completion Status Completion Status in Numbers Military Bases Beginning of the first phase of facility establishments for the King Salman Air Base

The economic and financial prospects of the Kingdom along with its prominent developments are presented in each fiscal year through announcing the annual budget estimates and projections, including revenues, expenditures, gross domestic product GDP , and comparing the deficit and surplus.

تقرير: ميزانية السعودية 2021 تُشعر المستثمرون الإقليميون والدوليون بالارتياح
The Government allocates parts of its Budget for government sectors and summary of those sectors budgets: Infrastructure and Transportation Sector First: Information About the Sector Sector Allocations in Budget 2021 46 Billion Riyals Prominent Task of the Sector Roads, ports, railways, airports, housing, communications, information technology, postal services, and industrial cities
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Budget
Number of Government Agencies Affiliated with the Sector
ميزانية 2020
Funding profit amounts to a maximum of 500,000 SAR
The initiative aims to achieve the following goals: - Increasing the number of qualified national forces in cybersecurity The Etimad platform plays a role in increasing transparency and raising the efficiency of expenditure for its users, such as government and supervisory entities, contractors, suppliers, vendors, etc
Military Development Beginning the preparation of the relevant studies to develop the Ministry of the National Guard, in accordance with the National Defense Strategy Continued financial support for mortgage loans

Comprehensive, accurate and reliable account of the public finances.

الميزانية السعودية: 990 مليار ريال المصروفات المقدرة لعام 2021 والإيرادات 849 ملياراً
Public Administration Sector First: Information About the Sector Sector Allocations for Budget 2021 34 Billion Riyals Prominent Tasks of the Sector Supporting administrative and legislative bodies, the civil service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the courts, the services of Islamic affairs and the field of human rights and the care of the Two Holy Mosques
ميزانية السعودية 2021 تستهدف 257 مليار ريال إيرادات ضريبية
Telecommunications Increase the speed of the Internet in the Kingdom and its progress in the index of the digital infrastructure for communications and information technology
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Budget
Budget Cycle Preparation The budget preparation stages start from the end of December of the last fiscal year to January