عدد سكان العراق 2020. قائمة البلدان والتبعيات حسب عدد السكان

1975 11,684,590 353,321 7,171,852 51• 1965 8,375,790 217,206 4,242,440 64• The government and most of the world's other states consider the Crimean Peninsula a part of Ukraine's territory De facto independent, de jure part of
Excluding the and City of , Ukraine's administrative areas on the which are disputed with and de facto administered by Russia Excludes 242,862, census 2011 and 53,559, census 2015


كردستان العراق: عدد سكان الإقليم 6.17 مليون نسمة
Population of the and the
عدد سكان العراق 2021 كم عدد السكان جميع المحافظات
1960 7,289,760 157,421 3,127,214 61• 2035 55,342,596 1,029,768 44,985,190 31• 2030 50,193,756 1,001,300 39,208,015 33• Excluding Overseas Territories and Collectivities: , , , , , , and
رواتب الموظفين في العراق 2021.. اعرف معايير صرفها
Including the and , Russia's disputed administrative areas on the
2010 29,741,976 563,938 21,258,071 39• The census figure refers to , excluding its of and , the former of which returned to Chinese sovereignty on 1 July 1997 and the latter on 20 December 1999 The UN the as a
2040 60,583,723 1,048,225 51,382,438 29• 1990 17,419,113 372,663 12,176,901 46• Republic of China also includes the minor islands of , , , etc 1985 15,555,800 380,489 10,711,364 49• 2000 23,497,585 669,649 16,141,452 43• 1995 20,149,338 546,045 13,899,288 47• De facto independent, de jure part of

1970 9,917,983 308,439 5,569,369 52• Excluding the population of the of.

قائمة البلدان والتبعيات حسب عدد السكان
1980 13,653,354 393,753 8,945,864 50• 2019 39,309,783 876,183 28,562,530 36• 2005 26,922,284 684,940 18,572,494 40• 2025 45,187,256 992,953 34,038,857 35• 2017 37,552,781 942,149 26,898,682 37• 2016 36,610,632 1,038,371 26,076,797 37• However includes all territory in the region where there are ongoing insurgencies by separatist forces
كم عدد سكان العراق 2020
2015 35,572,261 1,166,057 25,252,255 38• It considers itself to be an independent state, but this is recognised by
عدد سكان العراق
2018 38,433,600 880,819 27,723,807 36• Administration is split between and the , both of which claim the entire territory