منتزه البحيرات بالحائر. متنزه يلوستون الوطني

3 0 0 0 0 1 Yellowstone National Park: Its Exploration and Establishment
"Listing of acreage as of December 31, 2011"

Historical Division, Office of the Chief Of Engineers, United States Army.

أجمل بحيرات العالم
Potter, Tiffany April 13, 2004
متنزه الملك عبد الله (الأحساء)
World Foundation for Environment and Development
منتزهات الثمامة .. دليلك بأجمل و أشهر منتزهات الثمامة في مدينة الرياض
A History of Administrative Development in Yellowstone National Park, 1872—1965
The Chinese Garden: Garden Types for Contemporary Landscape Architecture, Press release, University of Utah Public Relations
; Wu-Lung Chang; Lee Siegel November 8, 2007 The National Parks: America's Best Idea

4 Issue 2, pp 3—17• Homeland: An archaeologist's view of Yellowstone Country's past.

منتزه بحيرات جرافتون الحكومي
Steinhardt, Nancy Riva Shatzman 1981
أجمل بحيرات العالم
"NPS Annual Recreation Visits Report"
Patry, Marc; Bassett, Clare; Leclerq, Benedicte March 11—13, 2003