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Pack the results into the UTF-16 characters• On the right, Mona Lisa compressed down to 534 bytes using the method described here the bytes mentioned here refer to data bytes, therefore ignoring bits wasted by using Unicode characters : Edit : just replaced CJK text with the newest versions of the images Would it be so wrong to store say 25Mb of sample images, and have the encoder try and compose an image using bits of those? Posting a Monochrome or Greyscale image should improve the size of the image that can be encoded into that space since you don't care about colour
No work will be done for the rest of the day The running time is more or less the same as well as the image quality, but the tweets tend to be a bit smaller

The DLI image manages to preserve some of the facial features, most notably the famous smile :.

كيفية مشاركة مقاطع الفيديو ومشاهدتها على تويتر
In terms of run times, for small images the code is extremely fast, about 55ms for the sample images provided, but the time does increase with larger images
الفيديو على تويتر
They would also not also work with the vendors to find the best fit for their various offers, or work with them to develop better ones
بث فيديو حي على تويتر
The full listing of run times and sample output can be found at the following location: Update One I've updated the the RLE code used when compressing the tweet string to do a basic look back and if so so use that for the output
What follows is the newest version of the Lena tweet: 2乤万乐唂伂倂倁企儂2企倁3企倁ウ伂8企伂エ伂5企倂倃伂倁グ儁企2伂倃ガ倁ジ倃4企倂企倁企伂ツ伂ス倁企伂坹坼坶坻刾啩容力吹婩媷劝圿咶坼妛啭奩嗆婣冷咛啫凃奉佶坍均喳女媗决兴宗喓夽兴唹屹冷圶埫奫唓坤喝奎似商嗉乃 The following isn't a formal submission, since my software hasn't been tailored in any way for the indicated task The following is my approach to the problem and I must admit that this was quite an interesting project to work on, it is definitely outside of my normal realm of work and has given me a something new to learn about
I also have small movies of the encoder state's evolution and I used the reference Mona Lisa image provided and scaled it down to 100x150 then used DLI to compress it to 344 bytes

Images have been scaled up to approximately the same size for easy comparison.

الفيديو على تويتر
Its time for a huge change in your trading! You control your trading, you decide when to trade, you decide how much to trade
سياسة الوسائط الحساسة
Also, I updated the compression a bit more so it can now act upon the entire string as opposed to just the color count block
بث فيديو حي على تويتر
Please feel free to offer me any suggestions on what I could have done better or what might be wrong with the code