حوت قاتل. أول حوت قاتل في العالم يتحدث كالبشر

Handbook of marine mammals: the second book of dolphins and the porpoises The Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute
Department of Conservation and Land Management "Evidence for a postreproductive phase in female false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens"

Recent memoirs on the Cetacea.

حوت قاتل يفترس دلفين بقفزة مذهلة في المكسيك
"Stomach contents of false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens stranded on the coasts of the Strait of Magellan"
معلومات عن: الحوت القاتل الاوركا أو أوركة
African Journal of Marine Science
الحوت القاتل الكاذب
"False killer whales Pseudorca crassidens from Japan and South Africa: Differences in growth and reproduction"
Mammalian Species 456 : 1—6
Australia Government Department of the Environment and Energy Los Angeles County Museum 95

"Echolocation signals and transmission beam pattern of a false killer whale Pseudorca crassidens ".

معلومات عن: الحوت القاتل الاوركا أو أوركة
Handbook of marine mammals: the second book of dolphins and the porpoises
حوت قاتل يفترس دلفين بقفزة مذهلة في المكسيك
"Hybrids may thrive where parents fear to tread"
الحوت القاتل الكاذب
"Diving behavior of a false killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens, in the Kuroshio—Oyashio transition region and the Kuroshio front region of the western North Pacific"