يقوم القضاء في المملكة العربية السعودية على أساس تطبيق أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية دون تمييز لأحد. قانون سعودي

Denied dignity: systematic discrimination and hostility toward Saudi Shia citizens Alsharif, Asma 24 May 2011
The Report: Saudi Arabia 2009 At least 15 other Saudi figures arrested in the same roundup that caught up the three imams last year are also being tried in nonpublic cases at the Specialized Criminal Court, which hears national security and terrorism cases

Wynbrandt, James; Gerges, Fawaz A.

وزارة العدل.. الأهداف والنشاطات (1/2)
abuses, but as in so many other ways, the difference between rhetoric and reality is vast
قانون سعودي
The report: Emerging Saudi Arabia
وزارة العدل.. الأهداف والنشاطات (1/2)
Encyclopaedia of the Muslim World
World and Its Peoples: the Arabian Peninsula World and Its Peoples: the Arabian Peninsula
The paradoxical kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the momentum of reform a son of Interior Minister Prince Naif, who had been found guilty of killing a 15-year-old boy after an "argument", was saved from beheading [by a pardon] the father of his victim

Preliminary results of census of 2004-09-15• The paradoxical kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the momentum of reform.

وزارة العدل.. الأهداف والنشاطات (1/2)
Denied dignity: systematic discrimination and hostility toward Saudi Shia citizens
وزارة العدل.. الأهداف والنشاطات (1/2)
Amon, Michael; Said, Summer September 16, 2018
الجمعية الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان » استشارات قانونية
Denied dignity: systematic discrimination and hostility toward Saudi Shia citizens
Encyclopaedia of the Muslim World Hanlon 2009 , "International Business Negotiations in Saudi Arabia", in James R Silkenat; Jeffrey M
a transparent attempt to demonstrate that the Al-Saud would apparently be willing to let one of their own face the consequences of his criminal activity Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington D

Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present.

وزارة العدل.. الأهداف والنشاطات (1/2)
The history of Saudi Arabia
قانون سعودي
Wynbrandt, James; Gerges, Fawaz A
وزارة العدل.. الأهداف والنشاطات (1/2)
Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present