But He did not will it so because He did not like to tarnish the fair name of His Prophet | Can there be any kingdom without having a law for taking action against a thief? And there can be no greater favour for one than this that AIlah Himself should arrange to guard his high moral position |
It is, therefore, a proof that that Prophet himself was enforcing the un-Islamic law of the king | There is nothing in this passage that might be called supernatural support by Allah except that the servants asked the brothers to prescribe the punishment for the thief, and they answered that he should be made a bondsman |
At last he took it out from the pack of his brother.
Melayu - Basmeih : Maka Yusuf pun mulailah memeriksa tempattempat barang mereka sebelum memeriksa tempat barang saudara kandungnya Bunyamin kemudian ia mengeluarkan benda yang hilang itu dari tempat simpanan barang saudara kandungnya Demikianlah Kami jayakan rancangan untuk menyampaikan hajat Yusuf Tidaklah ia akan dapat mengambil saudara kandungnya menurut undangundang raja kecuali jika dikehendaki oleh Allah Dengan ilmu pengetahuan Kami tinggikan pangkat kedudukan sesiapa yang Kami kehendaki dan tiaptiap orang yang berilmu pengetahuan ada lagi di atasnya yang lebih mengetahui• The sentence that follows also confirms this interpretation | Therefore, the demand of the acceptance of aiIaC ad-Din made in v |
" 3 Besides this, by using the word for the "law of the land", AIlah has denoted the vast comprehension of the word din and this cuts at the root of the conception of din of those people who confine the scope of the Message of the Prophets to mere worship of One Allah and believe that it has nothing to do with the cultural, political, social, judicial, legal and other mundane affairs of life |
English - Sahih International : So he began [the search] with their bags before the bag of his brother; then he extracted it from the bag of his brother Thus did We plan for Joseph He could not have taken his brother within the religion of the king except that Allah willed We raise in degrees whom We will but over every possessor of knowledge is one [more] knowing• Firstly, this is against the Qur'anic usage of as aCB Ca which usually means, "It did not behove him", "It was not right for him" and "He ought not to have done this.
6Nay, they considered this misconception of theirs to be the pattern set by Prophet Joseph and became willing helpers and servants of these un-Islamic systems | Artinya Nabi Yusuf tidak dapat menghukumnya kecuali Allah menghendaki melalui wahyu-Nya supaya Nabi Yusuf menghukum saudaranya itu sesuai dengan syariat yang berlaku pada mereka Kami tinggikan derajat orang yang Kami kehendaki melalui ilmu seperti yang Kami lakukan terhadap Yusuf |
, had to continue for some time | " For instance, this is what it means in the following verses "Indeed, Islam alone is the Right Way in the sight of Allah |
By removing the flaw in his plan, Allah showed that His knowledge was far superior to the knowledge of those, whom like Prophet Joseph He had endowed with knowledge.