فاكهة البرشومي. الصبّار أو التين الشوكي.. من «فاكهة الفقراء» إلى موائد الميسورين

Green Cactus pears can also be slow cooked to make preserves, jams, and jellies Green Cactus pears are small to medium in size, averaging 5-10 centimeters in length, and are oblong in shape similar to an avocado
The fruits form from yellow, pink, red, or purple flowers that grow on nopales or green cactus pads, and the thick skin of the fruit is light green and covered in rough bumps and spines known as glochids The effect of Opuntia ficus-indica juice supplementation on oxidative stress, cardiovascular parameters, and biochemical markers following yo-yo intermittent recovery test

The pears can also be pressed through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds to make a puree.

هل لصبار التين الشوكي فوائد صحية؟
Inside the fruit, the yellow flesh is moist with many hard, edible brown-black seeds
التين الشوكي، التين البربري، الصبار أو الهندي ’’ فاكهة تنقص الوزن وتطهر الأمعاء ‘‘
Short-term cactus pear [Opuntia ficus-indica L
فاكهة الطائف تجذب المصطافين والزوار
The flesh of the pear can be sliced and used fresh in fruit and green salads or as a topping for yogurt and cereal
Care needs to be taken when handling Green Cactus pears Care needs to be taken when handling Green Cactus pears
When ripe, Green Cactus pears are juicy and aromatic offering a sweet flavor with nuances of pear and watermelon The fruits should be held with tongs or rubber gloves to prevent penetration of the prickly fibers into fingers

The pears can also be pressed through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds to make a puree.

الصبّار أو التين الشوكي.. من «فاكهة الفقراء» إلى موائد الميسورين
These sharp spines are tiny, hair-like, and difficult to see and are found in the areoles of the skin
التين الشوكي، التين البربري، الصبار أو الهندي ’’ فاكهة تنقص الوزن وتطهر الأمعاء ‘‘
Green Cactus pears can also be slow cooked to make preserves, jams, and jellies
الصبّار أو التين الشوكي.. من «فاكهة الفقراء» إلى موائد الميسورين
Once pureed, the juice can be used as a base for sorbets, smoothies, cocktails, salad dressings, marinades, and sauces