خدمة سوا السودان. عرض التوفير الدولي

473 Guinea Republic 224 0 044 El Salvador 503 0
819 Vatican City 39 0 151 American Samoa 684 0

389 Ivory Coast Cote D'ivoire 225 0.

خدمة الدقائق الدوليّة
305 Sri Lanka 94 0
151 American Samoa 684 0
عرض التوفير الدولي
998 Marshall Island Majuro 692 0
998 Gabon Republic 241 0 057 St Helena 290 0
You should request an expedited appointment only if you have reason to believe you may qualify for one of these exceptions 410 Korea North 850 0

039 Canary Island 34 0.

منظمة سوا سودان للتنمية والمساعدات الإنسانية
389 Balearic Island 3471 0
389 Mayotte fixed 262269 0
389 Sierra Leona 232 0
389 Samoa Western 685 0 Travel to the United States is welcomed and encouraged
If you require an interview for a boarding foil, please send an e-mail to Expedited interviews are provided based on local conditions, capacity, and staffing and may be subject to change; for those who receive an expedited appointment, there may be additional wait times in scheduling due to limited staffing and scheduling capacity

389 Hong Kong 852 0.

389 Sierra Leona 232 0
خدمة الدقائق الدوليّة
389 Ivory Coast Cote D'ivoire 225 0
لعملاء «سوا» و«لنا»
389 Burkina Faso 226 0