رؤية هلال شعبان 1442. غرة رؤية هلال شعبان 1442 وتحري موعد رمضان 2021 اليوم السبت 13

The sky was totally cloudy But New Hilal was not visible" 1
I stayed at the location till moonset moonset: 8:34 pm Other group members observed crescent by naked eye subsequently

it was decided unanimously by the president along with the ACJU Hilal Committee members and the represantatives of MRCA and Memon Hanafi Masjid and senior officer of Meteorology Department to complete the month of Shabaan as 30 days and to commence the month Ramdaan Mubarak from 14th of Wednesday 2021 CE.

تحري رؤية هلال رمضان الأحد القادم
تعذر رؤية هلال شعبان 1442
A number of team member including Mr
نتيجة استطلاع رؤية هلال شهر شعبان 1442 ببعض الدول العربية
The crescent could not be seen
The sky was mostly clear with some haze Other group members observed crescent by binoculars subsequently
Mazeen Makhdoomy as one of his Madrasah student sighted at Thihariya at 5:45am The observation was closed for public amid to COVID-19 pandemic

AR Sugeng Riyadi, Purnomo, Taufiq Hidayat, Nanang Zaenuddin, Sirikit EU, Tri Ratna, Mila Rosyta, and Team.

دار الإفتاء: غدا الأحد أول أيام شهر شعبان لعام 1442 هجريا
25 from my observatory MY imaging system tracked the new crescent until moon set and i could not see it or take an image for it
موعد رؤية هلال رمضان 1442 السعودية وإمساكية رمضان 2021
Rila Makhdoomy reported as Moulavi Shuhail from Weligama sighted at 5:45am
تعذر رؤية هلال شعبان 1442
"Faded" was just a relative description as I believe the background light got brighter so that the crescent was perceived to fade