حمض فوليك. ما فوائد حمض الفوليك قبل الحمل؟

If confirmed, these results would indicate that food fortification has not caused a major increase in masking of vitamin B 12 deficiency "Folic acid fortification prevents neural tube defects and may also reduce cancer risks"
Lydia Bazzano, Jiang He, Lorraine Ogden And Others 1-5-2002 , , Journal of the American Heart Association, Issue 5, Folder 33, Page 1183—1189

; Stolzenberg-Solomon, R; Pietinen, P; Barrett, M.

فوائد حمض الفوليك للبشرة لزيادة الكولاجين الطبيعي
Folate, cobalamin, and megaloblastic anemias
فوائد حمض الفوليك للبشرة لزيادة الكولاجين الطبيعي
Ford, Andrew, Almeida Osvaldo 2-3-2012 , , Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , Issue 1, Folder 29, Page 133-49
حمض الفوليك (حمض الفوليك)
Shiliang Liu, K S Joseph, Wei Luo And Others 30-8-2016 , , Public Health Agency of Canada, Issue 9, Folder 134, Page 647—655
Folate: Fact sheet for health professionals Jane Higdon, "", Micronutrient Information Center,• Johannes F E Mann, Patrick Sheridan, Matthew J McQueen, and others 2007 , , Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Issue 2, Folder 23, Page 645-653
Salvi VS 1 July 2003 John Forman, Eric Rimm, Meir Stampfer And Others 19-1-2005 , , The Journal of the American Medical Association, Issue 3, Folder 293, Page 320-9

Explicit use of et al.

أفضل وقت لتناول حمض الفوليك
US Food and Drug Administration
حمض الفوليك للشعر
"Folate and cancer: a review of the literature"
طريقة استخدام حمض الفوليك للشعر
Mohammad Yakoob, Zulfiqar Bhutta 13-4-2011 , , BMC Public Health, Issue S3, Folder 11, Page S21
; Virtamo, J; Albanes, D 2003 C Berkeley Wellness Letter April 2003• Rebecca Schmidt, Daniel Tancredi, Sally Ozonoff And Others 7-2012 , , The american journal of clinical nutrition, Issue 1, Folder 96, Page 80—89
Feng Y, Wang S, Chen R, Tong X, Wu Z, Mo X 2015 Wilson RD, Wilson RD, Audibert F, Brock JA, Carroll J, Cartier L, Gagnon A, Johnson JA, Langlois S, Murphy-Kaulbeck L, Okun N, Pastuck M, Deb-Rinker P, Dodds L, Leon JA, Lowel HL, Luo W, MacFarlane A, McMillan R, Moore A, Mundle W, O'Connor D, Ray J, Van den Hof M 2015

James Greenberg, Stacey Bell, Yong Guan, and other 2011 , , Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Issue 2, Folder 4, Page 52-59.

حمض الفوليك
William Christen, Robert Glynn, Emily Chew And Others 20-1-2016 , , Ophthalmic Epidemiol, Issue 1, Folder 23, Page 32-9
حمض فوليك
Serseg, Talia; Benarous, Khedidja 2018-10-05
أين يوجد حمض الفوليك في الطعام
12 11 Pt 1 : 1271—2