انه على رجعه لقادر. [2] من قوله تعالى: {إِنَّهُ عَلَى رَجْعِهِ لَقَادِرٌ} الآية:8 حتى نهاية السورة

If such a complex work with such wisdom, proportion and order could be accomplished just through a chance accident, what else could not be regarded as accidental by a mentally deranged person? Indeed Allah has mentioned this proof in more than one place in the Qur'an To deny this power man will even have to deny that God has brought him into existence, and the one who denies this may well come out one day with the claim that aII books in the world have been printed accidentally, all cities of the world have been built accidentally, and there has occurred on the earth an explosion by chance which made aII the factories start functioning automatically
In other words, He is able to repeat his creation and resurrect him to the final abode Swahili - Al-Barwani : Hakika Yeye ana uweza wa kumrudisha• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Sesungguhnya Allah benarbenar kuasa untuk mengembalikannya hidup sesudah mati• untuk mengembalikannya atau menghidupkan kembali manusia setelah mati benar-benar kuasa maka apabila manusia itu benar-benar memperhatikan asal mula kejadiannya, niscaya dia akan menyimpulkan, bahwasanya Yang Maha Kuasa menciptakan demikian, berkuasa pula untuk menghidupkannya kembali

English - Sahih International : Indeed Allah to return him [to life] is Able• The fact is that the creation of man, the structure of his body, the existence of the powers and capabilities working within him, and his survival as a living being ' all this is a much more complex process than all those works that have come to be accomplished through man, or are still in the process of being accomplished.

طلسم الخارق _ انه على رجعه لقادر
Melayu - Basmeih : Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa untuk mengembalikannya hidup semula sesudah mati• Bosanski - Korkut : i On je zaista kadar da ga ponovo stvori• If He had the power to create him in the first instance and man stays alive in the world by His power alone, what rational arguments can be presented for the conjecture that He dces not have the power to do the same thing a second time? 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 真主确是能使他复原的,• Somali - Abduh : Eebana waa karaa soo celinta Dadka qiyaamada• This means that He is able to return this man that is created from fluid gushed forth
فصل: من قال مائتي مرة إنه على رجعه لقادر يجد ضالته
This is clearly possible, because whoever is able to begin the creation then he surely is able to repeat it


الآيات اللي ساعدتني في رجوع ريلي لي
إحدى صديقاتي قالت لي فائدة عن رد الغائب وهي تكرار قوله تعالى (إنه على رجعه لقادر) و (لا تخافي ولا تحزني إنا رادوه إليكِ) فما رأيكم في صحة هذا الكلام ؟
سورة الطارق الآية 8


جلب بسورة الطارق نافع جدا جدا جدا
فصل: إعراب الآية (9):
اثبات بازگشت به دنیا پیش از قیامت در قرآن {اِنَّه علی رجعه لَقادر} :: نضره الایّام