حكم مص القضيب. حكم مس ذكر الزوج

Fellatio fuh-LAY-shee-oh is oral stimulation of the penis and scrotum McDougal, David; Van Lieshout, Dave; Harting, John
The Pregnant Couple's Guide to Sex, Romance, and Intimacy Men in Love - Men's Sexual Fantasies: The Triumph of Love over Rage 1982 by

D'Souza G; Kreimer AR; Viscidi R; et al.

هل مص القضيب ولحس الفرج حلال ام حرام ؟؟؟
"Fellatio by Fruit Bats Prolongs Copulation Time"
ماحكم مص القضيب لكبار المشايخ و المفتيين
"Case-control study of human papillomavirus and oropharyngeal cancer"
المتعة والجنس عند الشيعة
Sandra Margot; Tonianne Robino 2002
Guardians of the Flutes, Vol "Correlation between oral sex and a low incidence of preeclampsia: A role for soluble HLA in seminal fluid? Dunn, Elizabeth Yost Hammer 2008
Gloucester, Massachusetts USA: Fair Winds Press

Tom Dalzell, Terry Victor 2007.

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