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Chorus îúðåú ÷èðåú LYRICS Noam Chorev MUSIC SINGER DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER DANCE FORMAT Words transliterated by of London, UK I made such connection with the audience from the Signature Story we worked on
I could tell I was connecting immediately with the audience when they put their mobile phones away and never stopped looking at me


Not only did I have a great connection with the audience but I was also able to get 2 more speaking gigs as well as several new clients
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End Chorus It's another Friday, balcony and newspaper, The sun, like worries, is slowly being erased, simple melodies crawl out the window and there is no longer any storm which can hide the silence here
I am connecting better with my audience now The table is set, childhood photos on the wall, White processions are returning from synagogue, And that smell which scratches my heart Sneaking in and opening doors To a small joy, to the same old song which is being passed along for generations
My story really captures the audience now! Not bad for an hour on the stage The process is simple, ask the right questions, tell stories that illustrate the point and allow your prospect to buy from you! He then got into the details of what would grab the audiences attention

This is the one where he learned the power of a sales system and public speaking with telling stories is the best marketing strategy out there.

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Most importantly he's systemized it so he can teach that skills to others
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Through trial and lots of error, and investing in himself, he was able to sell better AND teach others to do the same
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He has had his fair share of failures and times when he wanted to quit
But like most entrepreneurs, and probably like you, he didn't quit One of his biggest learnings was that sales is a process Chorus For thou hast chosen us and sanctified us


Over the course of several sessions via video calls he helped me craft my presentation structure, worked with me on stage presence and most importantly HOW I spoke to my audience
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I worked with Tom to create a selling from the stage presentation for a conference where I was speaking