شبيه عدي صدام حسين. كنت إبنا للرئيس by Latif Yahia

Following a week of torture, and realising he would be killed if he continued to refuse, Latif was forced to accept the role In 1987, Latif Yahia was taken to Saddam's headquarters to meet Uday, Saddam's eldest son, and told that a great honour had been bestowed upon him: that because of the great likeness between them, he had been chosen to be Uday's double
How he strived in vain for a peaceful life and survived 4 more assassination attempts In 1987, Latif Yahia was taken to Saddam's headquarters to meet Uday, Saddam's eldest son, and told that a great honour had been bestowed upon him: that because of the great likeness between them, he had been chosen to be Uday's double

Book Description: In 1987, Latif Yahia was taken to Saddam's headquarters to meet Uday, Saddam's eldest son, and told that a great honour had been bestowed upon him: that because of the great likeness between them, he had been chosen to be Uday's double.

شكوك حول صحة ما قاله شبيه عدي صدام وفيلمه 'شبيه الشيطان'.. قالوا انه لم يعمل معه واستخدم ملامح الشبه لابتزار المال والايقاع بالنساء:
THE BLACK HOLE: gives a fascinating account of what happened to Latif in Europe after he escaped from Iraq
عدي حسين
His run-ins with drug-dealers, Corrupt Irish Garda officers and Irish politicians who continually denied him Irish citizenship
عدي حسين
After his flight from Iraq Latif Yahia was considered by Saddam and the regime to be a Traitor, now within the new government he is considered to be a collaborator
His despair as a beggar on the streets and the happiness he found after he met the love of his life For many Iraqis it would have been the highlight of t This book is now a major motion picture released with the same title in August 2011
How Latif made and lost a fortune And so began his life as Uday's double - a life on the perimeter of the inner circle of Saddam's eldest son, a witness to the horror of his insane life of debauchery, excess and brutality, and an experience for which he almost paid with his life on more than one occasion

After a gruesome training programme during which he was made to watch over thirty films of torture, hours of tapes of Uday, and undertake a final remodelling of his appearance, Latif was deemed ready.

Following a week of torture, and realising he would be killed if he continued to refuse, Latif was forced to accept the role
عرض فيلم لكاتب شبيه عدي صدام حسين
I would have stayed in Baghdad and taken a bullet from Uday, at least then I would have been buried in my country near my family
في ذكرى ميلاده تعرف على قصة شبيه عدي صدام حسين
And so began his life as Uday's double - a life on the perimeter of the inner circle of Saddam's eldest son, a witness to the horror of his insane life of debauchery, excess and brutality, and an experience for which he almost paid with his life on more than one occasion
This has been proved by recent events in Iraq
How Uday sought revenge on Latif and vice-versa After a gruesome training programme during which he was made to watch over thirty films of torture, hours of tapes of Uday, and undertake a final remodelling of his appearance, Latif was deemed ready

For many Iraqis it would have been the highlight of their lives, but for Latif, a peace-loving man who did not agree with Saddam's brutal regime, it was not.

عدي حسين
But it was only after the final test, a meeting with Saddam himself, that Latif made his first public appearance
عدي حسين
This book is now a major motion picture released with the same title in August 2011
لطيف يحيى
For many Iraqis it would have been the highlight of their lives, but for Latif, a peace-loving man who did not agree with Saddam's brutal regime, it was not