كلام حلو للاب. كلام حلو للزوج في الواتس

Thank you, Dad, for showing me that hard work always pays off Every year and every day, you are the most precious human, my dear father
Dad, you certainly have made me to become the best person that I am today, Thank you! I never give up because you never did Happy Eid Mubarak, and you are all the best• And you are with us in your good spirit every year

May God grant you pardon and mercy.

اروع عبارات في عيد ميلاد الاب تعبر عن حبنا للاب في عيد ميلاد أبي
Since you left and I always celebrated your birthday, I have not forgotten you, dad and my eyes, happy birthday dad
كلام عن الأب أجمل كلمات عن الأب الحنون
Daddy, no matter how much I have grown, I will always be your little girl
كلام حلو لابي
Be happy because it is your special day, I love you
You are the best father in the world a lot different You are my ideal in life, my friend and my father, you taught me everything, every year and you are fine, Dad
Thank you Dad for giving me the kind of love that made all the difference, throughout my life You truly are the best father in the world and I look up to you for everything

Today is the birthday of my dear, the crown of my head, my dear father, my father, the owner of the big heart, the owner of the clean face, the crown of time, the chest of tenderness, you are the beloved beloved, and you are the perfect father, and you are the prince.

كلمات عيد ميلاد الاب بالانجليزي رسائل مترجمة
Today is the birthday of the dearest and dearest and most precious person to my heart, my dear father and affection, every year
كلام قصير وجميل عن الأب
Dear Dad, You are the kindest, most generous human being on the planet
كلام حلو عن بداية سنة جديدة 2021 للأب
Today is the best and greatest birthday of the world, happy birthday, my father