تشريب لحم. Meat Stock Spices بهارات تتبيلة تشريب لحم

What further made Iraqis love greenness, whether in gardens, fruit trees, wheat and rice planes, or the green fields that are watered from two great rivers; Tigris and Euphrates In the Islamic era, it was given the name of the Black Land for its green soils, its intermingling palms and for the great number of trees and plantations, that whoever looks at it would think it is a black land
all this made the Iraqi daily dishes an entire food pyramid that is diverse to go with all the seasons and the typography of Iraq from the north to the south and from the east to the west

or long, the Iraqi land has earned fame for its fertility and water which qualified it to be the cradle of the earliest civilizations in the world.

طريقة عمل تشريب اللحم .. أصفر
مطبخي مع الشيف عباس .. تشريب لحم
مطبخي مع الشيف عباس .. تشريب لحم


تشريب لحم عراقي ابيض, اشترك بقناتي ليصلك كل ماهو جديد !!
طريقة عمل تشريب اللحم الأحمر
طريقة عمل تشريب لحم