كلمات اغنية الله على ذا الليل. كلمات اغنية الله على ذا الليل لو كان ماجابك

And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door Katrina And The Waves Lyrics
After the musical was adopted in English, it was sung twice: the second time as the final song I used to think maybe you loved me, now, baby, I'm sure

'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around.

كلمات اغنية الله على ذا الليل لو كان ما جابك مكتوبة
In the French version of the musical, this song was being performed once in the first act
كلمات أغنية نجوم الليل (بساط الريح)
This website wouldn't be possible without Twinhelix and these organisations
كلمات أغنية الليل
Writer s : Herbert Kretzmer, Claude Michel Schonberg, Alain Boublil, Jean-marc Natel Now every time I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down


كلمات لا يروح الليل أحلام
كلمات اغنية الله على ذا الليل لو كان ما جابك مكتوبة
الله على ذا الليل كلمات