فتح الخط مصر. بنظام Back to Back.. الأردن يعيد فتح الخط البحري مع مصر للشاحنات فقط

translated from the German by Joan Hussey ; with a foreword by Peter Charanis translated from the German by Joan Hussey ; with a foreword by Peter Charanis
Translation of De Sacy from Other versions of Abd-el-Latif in English

History of the Byzantine state.

فتح مصر
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol
بنظام Back to Back.. الأردن يعيد فتح الخط البحري مع مصر للشاحنات فقط
History of the Byzantine state
مفتاح فتح خط +20
"The Imperial Presence: Government and Army"
Bellinger, Alfred Raymond; Grierson, Philip I think this building was the portico where Aristotle taught, and after him his disciples; and that this was the academy that Alexander built when he built this city, and where was placed the library which Amr ibn-Alas burned, with the permission of Omar
Paris: L'Institut Francais d'archeologie orientale New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University

Munier, Henri; Wiet, Gaston 1932.

موعد فتح الطيران بين مصر والسعودية بعد قرارات وزارة الداخلية الأخيرة عبر الطيران السعودي
Aryeh Kasher The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt: The Struggle for Equal Rights, Mohr Siebeck, 1985 pp
مفاتيح ورموز فتح الخطوط الدولية لجميع دول العالم
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
مفاتيح ورموز فتح الخطوط الدولية لجميع دول العالم
The Arab Invasion of Egypt: And the Last 30 Years of the Roman Dominion