Duspatalin mag alleen worden gebruikt indien strikt noodzakelijk en alleen na overleg met uw arts• Ingredient matches for Duspatalin Mebeverine | Ce este duspatalin si pentru ce se utilizeaza Indicatii duspatalin este un antispastic cu actiune directa asupra musculaturii netede a tractului gastrointestinal, calmand spasmul fara a afecta motilitatea normala a intestinului |
Duspatalin may be available in the countries listed below | Duspatalin can cause such side effects: Allergic reactions angioedema, urticaria, rash and swelling of the face Diarrhea; Constipation |
It helps with muscle spasms.
19Duspatalin contine o substanta denumita clorhidrat de mebeverina | Duspatalin, capsule cu eliberare prelungita Din Medicamente |
Direct an effect has on smooth muscles of thick department of intestines |
Lactancia: Se desconoce si mebeverina o sus metabolitos se excretan en la leche materna.