Typically, the use of flash, frames or some plugins is the cause of overhead on your website | txt file is a text file that tells the search engines which webpages should not be indexed |
Domain Privacy is another important feature in the Domain Registration section | If your page load time is well below the world average, and your page size is also well below the global average, then the problem could be the server where your website is hosted |
Loading speed is a powerful factor that affects the user experience of your visitors.
The Indexed Pages section gives you a legend of the total number of webpages indexed by the major search engines | The score is based on the popularity of the keyword, and how well competitors rank for it |
Therefore, the Alexa section here simplifies everything and presents to the user in an easily understandable format | For any reason, if your website users are having a bad experience on your site, then Google is smart enough to recognize that and lower your search engine rankings |
High Priority In this section, you can check the percentage of file requests received by various types of files.
Sitemap is one of the most useful and powerful tools for your website | In the event that search engine users are looking for images related to your website topic, then the search engine will not know to give them your image, no matter how perfectly your image matches their search query |
But, they are not capable of recognizing your images | It should be noted that this file does not force the search engines from indexing your webpages, but merely inform them |
Another instance is when your server bandwidth is low, and you do not wish to choke it with crawling.