والمحصنات من النساء إلا ما ملكت أيمانكم. معنى قوله تعالى ما ملكت ايمانكم

A man may marry such women and, if they happen to be his slave-girls, he may have sexual relations with them Somali - Abduh : Waxaa Kaloo idinka reeban Haweenka la Qabo waxay Hantaan Gacmihiinnu mooyee Kitaabka Eebaa korkiinna ah waxaa laydiin banneeyey waxa ka Soohadhay kuwaas inaad ku dalablaan Xoolahiinna idinkoo dhawrsoon oon Xumaan Zino Falin waxaad ku intifaacdaan Xaggooda Siiya Meherkooda waa Qadaraad Eebe Dhib Dambi korkiinna ma Saarra waxaad isaga raalli Noqoteen Qadarrida ka Dib Eebana waa Oge Falsan• 5 If the master allows the woman to marry someone else he ceases to have the right to sexual relations with her but retains the right to have her serve him in other ways
7 In the same way as other rights of property are transferable, so are the proprietary rights regarding the captives of war that have been legally entrusted to a man by the state Islamic Law requires that such women should first be handed over to the government, which then has the right to decide what should be done with them

It is pertinent to call attention to the following regulations of Islam: 1 Islam does not permit soldiers of the Islamic army to have sexual relations with women they capture in war.

أرشيف الإسلام
English - Sahih International : And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess [This is] the decree of Allah upon you And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property desiring chastity not unlawful sexual intercourse So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them give them their due compensation as an obligation And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation Indeed Allah is ever Knowing and Wise•
المحرمات من النساء تحريما مؤقتا : الحمد لله
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan diharamkan juga kamu berkahwin dengan perempuanperempuan isteri orang kecuali hamba sahaya yang kamu miliki Haramnya segala yang tersebut itu ialah suatu ketetapan hukum Allah yang diwajibkan atas kamu Dan sebaliknya dihalalkan bagi kamu perempuanperempuan yang lain daripada yang tersebut itu untuk kamu mencari isteri dengan harta kamu secara bernikah bukan secara berzina Kemudian manamana perempuan yang kamu nikmati percampuran dengannya setelah ia menjadi isteri kamu maka berikanlah kepada mereka maskahwinnya dengan sempurna sebagai suatu ketetapan yang diwajibkan oleh Allah Dan tiadalah kamu berdosa mengenai sesuatu persetujuan yang telah dicapai bersama oleh kamu suami isteri sesudah ditetapkan maskahwin itu tentang cara dan kadar pembayarannya Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana• 6 Although the Law has fixed the maximum number of wives at four, it has set no limit with regard to slave-girls
تفسير قوله تعالى: (والمحصنات من النساء إلا ما ملكت أيمانكم كتاب الله عليكم وأحل لكم ما وراء ذلكم أن تبتغوا بأموالكم محصنين غير مسافحين)
Moreover, once such a woman has given birth to a child she may not be sold to anyone, and on the death of her master she automatically becomes a free person
Women who come as captives of war, leaving their husbands behind in Dar al-Harb Domain of War , are not prohibited, for their marriage is nullified by virtue of their entry into Dar al-Islam Domain of Islam Many misunderstandings seem to persist about the right to have sexual relations with one's slave-girls
Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise There is disagreement, however, among jurists as to what should be done if both husband and wife have been taken captive together

10 If a military commander permitted his soldiers to temporarily use the female captives as objects of sexual desire and distributed them among the soldiers for that purpose, such an act would be considered unlawful by Islamic Law.

تفسير سورة النساء
For details see my book Tafhimat, vol
أرشيف الإسلام
366-84, and Rasai'il wa Masa'il, 6th edition, Lahore, 1976, vol
تفسير قوله تعالى: {وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ إِلَّا مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ..}
3 It is not necessary for female captives of war to be People of the Book in order that sexual relations with them be permitted