الكيتين هو. ما هي مادة الكيتين واستخداماتها

Recklies AD, White C, Ling H 2002 Paoletti MG, Norberto L, Damini R, Musumeci S 2007
This polysaccharide is a primary component of cell walls in fungi, the exoskeletons of arthropods, such as crustaceans and insects, the radulae of molluscs, cephalopod beaks, and the scales of fish and skin of lissamphibians, making it the second most abundant The Journal of Biological Chemistry

"Human cartilage gp-39, a major secretory product of articular chondrocytes and synovial cells, is a mammalian member of a chitinase protein family".

ما هي مادة الكيتين واستخداماتها
Akaki C, Duke GE 2005
الكيتين هو اول ثانوي
"Digestive chitinolytic activity in marine fishes of Monterey Bay, California"
تعرف على بيولوجيا الكربوهيدرات
Gutowska MA, Drazen JC, Robison BH 2004
365 Pt 1 : 119—26 van Eijk M, van Roomen CPAA, Renkema GH, Bussink AP, Andrews L, Blommaart EFC, Sugar A, Verhoeven AJ, Boot RG, Aerts JMFG 2005
"Purification and Characterization of Human Chitotriosidase, a Novel Member of the Chitinase Family of Proteins" "Characterization of human phagocyte-derived chitotriosidase, a component of innate immunity"

"Autolysis and aging of Penicillium chrysogenum cultures under carbon starvation: Chitinase production and antifungal effect of allosamidin".

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تعرف على بيولوجيا الكربوهيدرات
"Chitin and Its Effects on Inflammatory and Immune Responses
الكايتين هو؟
Joyce; Fernandez, Javier; Sohn, Joel J