عرض المشركون على النبي ان يعبدوا الله سنه. ما سبب نزول سورة الكافرون

They say that this does not apply to the Jews and Christians, for they worship AIlah Therefore, the Holy Prophet's saying, by Allah's command, "O disbelievers,
', in fact, means: "O you, who have refused to believe in my apostleship and in the teachings brought by me 5 Many scholars from among the commentators have expressed the opinion that in this Surah the address of "O disbelievers" applied only to a few persons of Quraish, who were visiting the Holy Prophet upon whom be peace with proposals of compromise regarding religion and about whom Allah had informed His Messenger than they would not believe

Melayu - Basmeih : Katakanlah wahai Muhammad "Hai orangorang kafir• Likewise, the address of "O kafirs" to the people also is in view of their characteristic of kufr and not their person.

1000 سؤال في التاريخ الإسلامي
Bosanski - Korkut : Reci "O vi nevjernici• As against it the word "mu min " is used for the believer
القرآن الكريم
Somali - Abduh : Waxaad dhahdaa Gaalooy• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 你说:不信道的人们啊!• If one of them gives up enmity and opposition, or turns a friend and supporter, he no longer remains the addressee of this word
ما سبب نزول سورة الكافرون
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Katakanlah "Hai orangorang kafir• Their reasoning is that this statement does not apply to the people who at the revelation of this Surah were disbelievers but later believed
English - Sahih International : Say "O disbelievers• There is no reason why this address be restricted to the pagans of Quraish or of Arabia only They have formed this opinion for two reasons
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Sema Enyi makafiri• This address would be perpetual for him who continues to be a kafir till death, but the one who believes will no longer be its addressee

2 The word "kafir' is no abuse, which might have been used for the addressees of this verse, but it implies the one who refuses to believe, or is an unbeliever.

1000 سؤال في التاريخ الإسلامي
when a believer uses this word, it will imply those who do not believe in the Holy Prophet Mauhmmad upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings , 3 The word used is "O kafirs" and not "O muslmiks"; therefore, the addressees are not only the mushriks but all those people who do not acknowledge Muhammad upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings as Allah's Messenger and the teachings and guidance brought by him as the teaching and guidance given by Allah Himself, whether they be Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians or the disbelievers, polytheists and pagans of the entire world
من أسرار الإعجاز اللغوي والبياني في سورة الكافرون
Here, to point out the error of the reasoning it would be enough to say that if the addressees of this Surah were only these people, why then dces this Surah still continue to be recited when they are dead and gone from the world long long ago? 4 To address the deniers with the word "O kafirs" is just like addressing certain people as "O enemies", or "O opponents"
1000 سؤال في التاريخ الإسلامي
Both these arguments are incorrect
As for these verses, their explanation that follows will show that they do not bear the meaning which has been understood from them
Thus, though the first addressee of the word qul say is the Holy Prophet upon whom be peace himself, the command is not restricted to him alone but it reaches every believer through him

And what was the need of making this Surah a part of the Qur'an permanently so that the Muslims should continue to read it for ever afterwards'? Such an address is not, in fact, directed to the person of the addressee but it is made on the basis of their characteristic of enmity and opposition, and lasts only until they are so characterised.

1000 سؤال في التاريخ الإسلامي
سبب نزول سورة الكافرون