ماهي الخليه. عرف الخلية والخلية النشطة ؟ ~ اوراق العمل الفعال

Torous, DK; Dertinger SD; Hall NE; Tometsko CR Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Genome Structure and Function: From Chromosomes Characterization to Genes Technology Hao, L; Thein M; Brust-Mascher I; Civelekoglu-Scholey G; Lu Y; Acar S; Prevo B; Shaham S; Scholey JM 2011

The Journal of General Physiology.

ما هي الخلايا
Navascues, J; Berciano, MT; Tucker, KE; Lafarga, M; Matera, AG June 2004
نواة (خلية)
"The number of nuclei in basidiospores of 63 species of ectomycorrhizal Homobasidiomycetes"
ما هي الخلية النباتية
Current Opinion in Cell Biology
Goldman A, Moir R, Montag-Lowy M, Stewart M, Goldman R 1992 Robinson ed The Oxford Companion to Wine Third Edition p 54 Oxford University Press 2006• "Of Coiled Bodies, Gems, and Salmon"
Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 2nd Edition Shulga N, Mosammaparast N, Wozniak R, Goldfarb D 2000

Hartman H, Fedorov A 2002.

ما هي الخلايا
New Haven: Yale University Press
عرف الخلية والخلية النشطة ؟ ~ اوراق العمل الفعال
Hooke called the pores cells because they re- minded him of the cells inhabited by monks living in a monastery
العضيّات في الخلية
"Aging and nuclear organization: lamins and progeria"
"Viral eukaryogenesis: was the ancestor of the nucleus a complex DNA virus? Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments McInnes, A; Rennick DM 1988
Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P 2002 The Immune System, Peter Parham, Garland Science, 2nd edition• "Glucose sensing through the Hxk2-dependent signalling pathway"

The Journal of Cell Biology.

ملخص تركيب الخلية ووظائفها
Spann TP, Goldman AE, Wang C, Huang S, Goldman RD
بحث علمي حول الخلية وبنيتها
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
مكونات الخلية ووظائفها
"Cajal bodies: a long history of discovery"