ماهو الختان. ختان الذكور: ما هي فوائد وأضرار الختان من وجهة نظر العلم؟ هل هو جيد ام سيء؟

John Milton Hoberman, Testosterone Dreams: Rejuvenation, Aphrodisia, Doping, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005, p , front page and p
Creighton, , Maturitas, 80 1 , January 2015 pp Circumcision is not prescribed in other forms of Christianity

Walley, "Searching for 'Voices': Feminism, Anthropology, and the Global Over Female Genital Operations" in James and Robertson 2002, pp.

ختان الإناث
Alison Macfarlane and Efua Dorkenoo, , City, University of London and Equality Now, 21 July 2014, p
ختان المرأة في الإسلام
"Islam and Female Genital Cutting in Southeast Asia: The Weight of the Past", Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, 3 2 , 2008, p
ما حكم الختان في الإسلام
Alexandra Topping, , The Guardian, 23 June 2014
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Carey Jackson, Mamae Teklemariam, , The New England Journal of Medicine, 332, 19 January 1995, pp Colette Gallard, , British Medical Journal, 310, 17 June 1995, p

Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology.

ماهو الختان في الاسلام؟
, Demographic and Health Surveys; , Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, UNICEF
فوائد الختان الصحية والشرعية
, World Health Organization, 2005
أنواع ختان الإناث وأضرار الختان على الفتيات
Emily Banks, et al, , The Lancet, 367 9525 , 3 June 2006, pp