جسيمات سالبة الشحنة. الذرة

"The Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules" "The Atom and the Molecule"
National Institute of Standards and Technology New York: Encyclopedia Americana Corp

Individual physical constants from the CODATA are available at:.

الشحنة الكهربائية
"New Tests for Quark and Lepton Substructure"
ما اسم الجسيمات التي تحمل الشحنة الكهربائية السالبة
"AdA: The First Electron—Positron Collider"
ماهي الإلكترونات
"Radiation from Electrons in a Synchrotron"
"The Isolation of an Ion, a Precision Measurement of its Charge, and the Correction of Stokes' Law" The Origins of Life and the Universe
"Electron Plasma Oscillations Associated with Type III Radio Bursts" "Triboelectricity and some associated phenomena"

"Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis: Linking Inner Space and Outer Space".

ما اسم الجسيمات التي تحمل الشحنة الكهربائية السالبة
Journal of the American Chemical Society
ماهي الإلكترونات
Flash of the Cathode Rays: A History of J J Thomson's Electron
جسيمات سالبة الشحنة
The Encyclopedia Americana; a library of universal knowledge