مريم جورج. Discover Minti Gorne 's popular videos

Egypt's best showing in the grand slam pageants since Antigone Costanda was Miss World in 1954 In October 2013, she traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to represent her country as "Miss Egypt" at the of the World 2013, where she placed as 1st runner-up, She is a
In , she was among the eight finalists, in Miss Intercontinental, she was a semifinalist, and in , she did not place She represented Egypt in , Miss Intercontinental 2005 and

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جورج وسوف كلمات أغنية مريم
This page was last edited on 30 August 2020, at 22:22
مريم جورج نسيت أنها ليست في غرفة نوم وهذا ما فعلته مع زوجها في دبي!
At the age of eighteen, she was the official 2005 winner
Category:Meriam George
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Category:Meriam George
Meriam George