يشترط في الحيوان المعلّم إذا أرسل للصيد ألّا. أحكام الأطعمة والصيد والمقناص

Dalam hadis itu juga disebutkan bahwa hasil panahan jika dilepas dengan menyebut nama Allah, maka sama dengan hasil buruan dari binatang pemburu yang telah dilatih Sebagai ciri-cirinya bila dilepas ia berangkat dan bila dicegah ia berhenti serta ditahannya buruan itu dan tidak dimakannya
Dan sebutlah nama Allah atasnya ketika melepasnya serta bertakwalah kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah amat cepat perhitungan-Nya ' For relevant traditions see Bukhari, 'Dhaba'ih', 4, 10; Ibn Majah, 'Sayd', 3; Ahmad b

And if it has eaten from the game, then do not eat for I fear that the hound had caught the game for itself.

الفصل الثاني: الصيد
Religious- minded people often fall into a prohibitionist mentality by tending to regard as unlawful everything not expressly declared as lawful
شرح حديث عن عديّ بن حاتم
The lawfulness of things has been tied, however, to the stipulation of their being clean so that no one can argue for the lawfulness of things which are unclean
شروط الصيد
The expression 'hunting animals' signifies hounds, cheetahs, hawks and all those beasts and birds which men use in hunting
The same rule applies with regard to shooting arrows in hunting They should pronounce the name of God at the time of dispatching animals to the hunt
There is a certain subtlety in how the query is answered ' For relevant traditions see Bukhari, 'Dhaba'ih', 4, 10; Ibn Majah, 'Sayd', 3; Ahmad b

Sebagai ciri-cirinya bila dilepas ia berangkat dan bila dicegah ia berhenti serta ditahannya buruan itu dan tidak dimakannya.

أحكام الأطعمة والصيد والمقناص
The questioners want a list of what is lawful so they can treat everything else as prohibited, but the Qur'an provides them with a list of what is prohibited and then leaves them with the guiding principle that all 'clean things' are lawful
الفصل الثاني: الصيد
The question which arises at this point is: How are we to determine which things are clean? The Prophet peace be on him replied: 'If you have pronounced the name of God while dispatching your trained hound, eat what he has caught for, you
المطلب الأوَّل: أنْ يَكونَ حيوانُ الصَّيْدِ مُعَلَّمًا
This makes them excessively fastidious and over-suspicious, and inclined to ask for a complete list of all that is lawful and permitted