علاج الوسواس والخوف. اضطراب الوسواس القهري

The College does not allow reposting of its pages on other site, but allows them to be linked to directly
De novo classification request for Brainsway Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System National Institute of Mental Health

Original page updated: January 2007 With grateful thanks to Dr Sabry Abdel Fattah for translating this information into Arabic.

اضطراب الوسواس القهري
In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5
اضطراب الوسواس القهري (OCD)
National Institute of Mental Health
اضطراب الوسواس القهري والاضطرابات ذات الصلة عندَ الأطفال والمراهقين
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Deep brain stimulation for obsessive compulsive disorder: Evolution of surgical stimulation target parallels changing model of dysfunctional brain circuits This page may be downloaded, printed out, photocopied and distributed free of charge as long as the Royal College of Psychiatrists is properly credited and no profit is gained from its use
Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD : Current treatments and a framework for neurotherapeutic research Permission to reproduce it in any other way must be obtained from the Head of Publications

Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents.

اضطراب الوسواس القهري والاضطرابات ذات الصلة عندَ الأطفال والمراهقين
National Institute of Mental Health
اضطراب الوسواس القهري والاضطرابات ذات الصلة عندَ الأطفال والمراهقين
The College does not allow reposting of its pages on other site, but allows them to be linked to directly
الوسواس القهري: الأسباب، الأعراض والعلاج
Permission to reproduce it in any other way must be obtained from the Head of Publications
This page may be downloaded, printed out, photocopied and distributed free of charge as long as the Royal College of Psychiatrists is properly credited and no profit is gained from its use Suicidality in children and adolescents being treated with antidepressant medications
New insights and perspectives on genetics of obsessive-compulsive disorder Date of translation: March 2007• Date of translation: March 2007• Original page updated: January 2007 With grateful thanks to Dr Sabry Abdel Fattah for translating this information into Arabic


أضطراب الوسواس القهرى
اضطراب الوسواس القهري
اضطراب الوسواس القهري والاضطرابات ذات الصلة عندَ الأطفال والمراهقين