7 billion yen including ticket sales from a summer re-release | This shonen battle manga and demon-fighting martial arts series from creator Koyoharu Gotouge is exciting and imaginative |
Hodgkins, Crystalyn February 28, 2019 | Douresseaux, Leroy January 10, 2020 |
Ressler, Karen January 31, 2016.
One research institute estimated the entire series has generated an economic impact of 270 billion yen in Japan alone | Pineda, Rafael Antonio August 3, 2018 |
Japan has seen a relatively limited outbreak of Covid-19, with some 3,200 deaths, although record numbers of new cases have been reported in recent weeks | Throughout the pandemic, people have been urged to avoid crowds — putting most other forms of mass entertainment off-limits — while a sophisticated marketing campaign, including tie-ups with shops and restaurants, and well-known actors voicing the characters, also helped boost the film |
Ressler, Karen June 3, 2018.