اللي على راسه بطحه. «اللي على راسه بطحة يتحسسها»!

If necessary, you should accept is as constructive criticism If within the body of a communication there is that judgement, that part will be taken out
"I didn't say you look funny, but if the cap fits, wear it! Idiom: if the cap fits, wear it colloq You can take the general criticism, etc personally if you think it applies to you

" Jack is saying it indirectly.

اللي على رأسه بطحه
Refutation of an answer should be based only on the answer or its resources
رئيس البرلمان يطرد محمد عبدالعليم داوود بسبب «اللي على راسه بطحة»
No duplicate answers are permitted
على راسه وراء كل مثل قصة وحكاية
If the cap fits, wear it If something unpleasant is said about someone, something that could just as easily apply to you, you should take notice of it
Only discussions that contribute to finding solutions and do not aggravate are permitted " Jack: "If the shoe fits, wear it
If a message involves judgment of a peer, criticism or defence of that peers competence, judgmental remarks, that message will be deleted If the cap fits, wear it if you criticize another person and you also deserve criticism then you should accept the criticism and try and change i

Imagine this dialogue: Jack: "Nobody likes someone who rats on other people.

قصة المثل ( إللي على راسه بطحة يحسس عليها )
If he were expressing it directly, he would be saying, "People don't like you, Sue, because you rat on other people" inform on them--tattle or "tell tales" on them
على راسه بطحة!
" Jack is saying to Sue, "If this describes you, then I'm talking about you
قصة المثل ( إللي على راسه بطحة يحسس عليها )
More explanation: If it applies, take it to heart
The girl criticized her friend for borrowing money Anything that does not serve this purpose will get deleted
Actually this is what I understood from the Arabic proverb, which I believe is from a colloquial Egyptian origin The TCTerms Team Read more:• Any input should have to do only with this purpose

That's what we mean when we say if the cap fits, wear it.

" Sue: "Are you calling me a tattletale? However, she herself always borrowed money so she should remember that if the cap fits wear it
على راسه وراء كل مثل قصة وحكاية
TCTerms Posting Note TCTerms is here for the purpose of finding answers to questions
هاني الفردان
All non-linguistic content will be removed