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Each person is encouraged to grow and learn at their own pace There is also a new community of about 60 young Israeli Chareidi families including a sprinkling of English-speakers , with more on their way
Going thru the village to the park was not pleasant- some narrow roads, with difficulty when a car came fom the opposite side From the many apartment buildings to long rows of attached homes with separate entrances and private yards

I suppose it's nice for those who enjoy shopping to find many different shops in the same area so you don't have to go too far to find most things you would want.

At the main entrance to Karmiel there is a set of statues in a public park
From Holocaust to Resurrection, Karmiel
From Holocaust to Resurrection, Karmiel
These in three groupings tell the story of the Jews in the 20th century — Holocaust; Wondering and lastly Hope
Faces, well, that's another story altogether As well the school serves many of the children from outside of Karmiel that commute daily to the school
The shul offers a wide array of classes and learning programs as well as Kiruv programs in hebrew The housing there is mixed with apartments, duplex and fourplexes and single family homes

Population From a general population of over 55,000, there are about 300 Chareidi families, of which about 50 are Anglo.

Big Karmiel Shopping Center
You can get food at the nearby village of Kisra
There are a handful of the clothing stores are suitable from the frum residents, some even with American clothing as well as Gemachs that have quality second hand clothing
From Holocaust to Resurrection, Karmiel
Karmiel is a small city with a big city feel and has all of the most important government offices and medical Kupats
Karmiel is a vibrant family-friendly community that is located in the center of the North And it is a generally non-judgemental city where most shuls and schools contain people from all backgrounds and standards
Keren Ami- led by Reb Binyamin Hakarmi and Reb Moshe Shteinberg was founded as a Russian Kiruv minyan but the shul today is primarily made up of anglo and chariedi baalabatim Speaking hebrew though is much more essential in the North of Israel though, than it is in the center, as there are not as many employers that are looking for non-hebrew speakers

Once your family has decided to move, the next biggest choice is where to live and why.

It is a city where one can make a kiddush Hashem daily in your interaction with non-religious neighbors who have good relations with the Chareidi community
From Holocaust to Resurrection, Karmiel
They daven nusach Sefard, Friday night is Carlebach style and Rabbi Schwartz speaks in hebrew in the weekly drashos
Big Karmiel Shopping Center
Employment There is no specific industry in Karmiel, but being the second largest city in the Galile after Chaifa it has many jobs as any large city would