حمص حبوب. كيفية صنع الشوكولاتة يدويا: 13 خطوة (صور توضيحية)

Marta Stelmach-Mardas, Tomasz Rodacki, Justyna Dobrowolska-Iwanek And Others 20-4-2016 , , Nutrients, Issue 4, Folder 8, Page 229 "Folate and cancer: a review of the literature"
gov, 16-10-2019 , Retrieved 3-12-2019 Viranda Jayalath, Russell Souza, John Sievenpiper And Others 1-2014 , , American Journal of Hypertension, Issue 1, Folder 27, Page 56—64

Jia-Yi Dong, Pengcheng Xun, Ka He And Others 9-2011 , , Diabetes Care, Issue 9, Folder 34, Page 2116-2122.

أسرع طريقة حمص
Journal of Pediatric Health Care
فوائد أكل الحمص
Normal childhood nutrition and its disorders
حمص شائع
Helping your child who is overweight
"No effect of folic acid supplementation on cardiovascular events, cancer or mortality after 5 years in people at increased cardiovascular risk, although homocysteine levels are reduced" Li Y, Huang T, Zheng Y, Muka T, Troup J, Hu FB 2016
Serseg, Talia; Benarous, Khedidja 2018-10-05 Hai-rong Ma, Jie Wang, Hong-xue Qi And Others 21-1-2013 , , Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, Issue 3, Folder 34, Page 380—386

US Food and Drug Administration.

السمنة لدى الأطفال
Jane Pittaway, Kiran Ahuja, Iain Robertson And Others 8-2007 , , Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Issue 4, Folder 26, Page 334-340
طريقة عمل حمص الشام بالشطة
Tasleem Zafar And Yearul Kabir 8-12-2016 , , Journal of Food Science and Technology, Issue 4, Folder 54, Page 987—994
حمص شائع
Muhammad UlHaq, Barkat Khan, Premysl Landa And Others 8-2012 , , Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, Issue 4, Folder 69, Page 707-711
Max Wong, Peter Emery, V Preedy And Others 10-2008 , , Inflammopharmacology, Issue 5, Folder 16, Page 235-239 Childhood obesity: Evidence-based guidelines for clinical practice — Part two
Ursla Fernando, Janet Hill, Gordon Zello And Others 20-6-2010 , , Beneficial Microbes, Issue 2, Folder 1, Page 197-207 Definition, epidemiology and etiology of obesity in children and adolescents

Childhood obesity causes and consequences.

حمض الفوليك
Dawson: Data for Biochemical Research, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989, 3 rd Edition, p
حمض الفوليك
"Pre-conception Folic Acid and Multivitamin Supplementation for the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Neural Tube Defects and Other Folic Acid-Sensitive Congenital Anomalies"
حبوب الحمص ، بذور طازجة، مطبوخة، مسلوقة، بدون ملح: اكتشفوا القيمة الغذائية والسعرات الحرارية
Jane Pittaway, Kiran Ahuja, Madeleine Ball And Others 2-2007 , , Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Issue 6, Folder 50, Page 512—518