عقوبة الزاني المحصن. استدلال على الرجم الزاني في القرآن

How do you think about this issue? I would like to ask a question, hopefully you will answer it
Jazaakumullah khoiron for your convenience answer my question Regarding the death penalty for Muhson, is Qothie categorized in Fiqh Islam? It is even supported by Sheikh Mustafa Zarqa who states that it is categorized in the sentence of Takzir

There are some scholars such as Sheikh Abu Zahrah who do not categorize it as Hudud punishment.

ما حكم الزنا
توبة الزاني المحصن
استدلال على الرجم الزاني في القرآن


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ما هي عقوبة الزاني


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الحكمة من تشريع حد الرجم في الإسلام
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