فؤاد الكريزي. فؤاد الكريزي

We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards Only flag comments that clearly need our attention
The only content we will consider removing is spam, slanderous attacks on other members, or extremely offensive content eg He worked at the Yemeni Ministry of Culture in ibb, He is a Member of Yemeni Artists Syndicate

Flag Abuse Flagging a post will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review.

فؤاد الكريزي (Author of صدى الماضي)
pornography, pro-Nazi, child abuse, etc
فؤاد الكريزي يطرح الألبوم اليمني “إب بوابة المجد”
As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site
من هو فؤاد الكريزي؟
We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being critical of a particular book


فؤاد الكريزي (Author of صدى الماضي)
إدمان الإنترنت ومواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
إدمان الإنترنت ومواقع التواصل الإجتماعي