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Lux beginnings Advertising History [ ] Lux Soap was introduced to America in 1925 by the Lever Brothers The use of endorsements by Hollywood starlets was a tremendous success for both Lux Soap, the actresses, and the studios
It received 414 endorsements in return, leading them to claim that 9 out of 10 stars in Hollywood use Lux Soap com and its affiliates hereby expressly disclaim any warranty, express or implied, and liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon any auto-translated information or caused by any technical error of the language-translation tool


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Lux started as "Sunlight Flakes" in 1899
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In 1941 Leela Chitnis became the first Indian film star to endorse Lux soap brand
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LUX Product type Soap Owner Produced by Country United Kingdom Introduced 1925 ; 96 years ago 1925 Markets Worldwide Website LUX is a global brand developed by
In the 1940s Lever Brothers began mass advertising for Lux, introducing their product as a soap associated with glamour and intelligence, and began using existing advertisements of international celebrities endorsing their products It is marketed in Brazil, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, and South Africa, and sells soap bars in India, Pakistan, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam
It was a white soap packaged in pastel colors designed to be comparable to the finer French soaps, but more affordable Lux sponsored an award show "Lux Sound of Women" about female musicians

1990s — early 2000s [ ] In the 1990s, Lux used stars such as, Brazil's and.

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Some of the attributes pointed out were fragrance, lather, and how long the bar lasts
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In 1933, advertisements claimed that Lux Soap was used by 686 out of 694 more well known actresses
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Lever Brothers shifted their focus to another soap, Dove
As the focus of advertising shifted from the use of Hollywood starlets to a focus on everyday women, Lux Soap declined in sales and was removed from the shelves in the 1990s Lux Romancing the brand 1960s [ ] Brand spokeswomen included , , , , , , , , and
Lux Soap was often advertised with exotic drawings and associated with sophistication and luxury primarily aimed towards women Your MyCLUB points will be transferred to your SHARE account in the next few hours, but you start earning immediately! Lux Soap's Hollywood campaign along with its many other advertising efforts, would assist Lux Soap in becoming a worldwide leader in soap sales

Lux soap is still sold as a beauty product in Africa today.

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Lux Soap followed Colonial Great Britain to Zimbabwe, Africa in the 1920s, but it took until the mid 20th century before Africans became familiar with toilet soap and few used it
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2017 to present [ ] In Indonesia, Lux used Maudy Ayunda as a spokesmodel
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This period launched product brand extensions with shower creams and gels, and Lux Super Rich Shampoo in Japan and China