Long time no see. long time no see

This is the first Ed McBain book I have read and I loved it McBain's writing is a marvel
Long time no see you I usually like his use of adjectives and adverbs for the color they add, but this time it seemed they too often slowed the story down

The phrase is often portrayed as originating in Chinese English.

Long Time, No See (TV Episode 2021)
Long time, no see has gone from pidgin English to entrenched, American English slang in little over a century
long time no see
And those emotions, thoughts, and actions are not much different than many folks are going through now
Due to the length, certain very small scenes were a tad confusing if only because the cut into them seemed random, but they soon became clear
Hope puts a risky plan in motion regardless of the potential consequences That last part of the novel's very long title is relevant here, as it gives a good indication of the kind of story Drannan wanted to tell
Comfortable play mode: You can manipulate the video progress bar, fast forward to the next chapter with ease and play with multiple speeds I was wary at first, but it was 100% worth my money and I'd pay for it again even

A very typical example of the gendre but never the less a well writen and clever story line.

Long Time, No See (TV Episode 2021)
Alternatively, native American origin, or native coinage as pidgin, particularly in cinematic portrayals of native Americans; compare language used by 1930s
Long Time, No See (TV Episode 2021)
A shortened version of something like, "I haven't seen you in a long time," the phrase "long time, no see" was actually historically used to mock indigenous peoples' patterns of speech
6 Common Phrases You Didn't Know Were Racist (So Let's Stop Using Them Immediately) — VIDEO
If so, you might want to start eliminating them from your vocabulary