鄐元 鄐云鄍仆鄐賴�鄍介鄐� 鄐� 鄐芹冗鄐� 鄐� 鄐啤�鄐桌冗鄐�鄐賴� 鄐云鄐兒�鄐能冗鄐� 鄐什 鄐�鄐什鄐兒�鄐� 鄐� 鄐眇凶鄐兒冗 鄐眇�鄐耜�鄐� 鄐芹�鄐啤�鄐� 鄐菽凶鄐嗣�鄐獅中鄐擒�鄐� 鄐菽冗鄐耜� 鄐冗鄐啤�鄐� 鄐嫩�鄐戈� 鄐嫩�鄐• You have been a blessing in my life and this is just to say I love you | My mother is the heart of our home, the light of our lives, without her there is no life |
Mom, you are the source of tenderness, the beat of my heart, and the secret of my happiness | I like to go out with my friends on the weekends to have fun and enjoy our time• I love you, my wife |
I get off of work at 6.
11Download 堭�塈�堜 塈媢奡�� 堥堿��� �塈��堜 堭�塈�堜 堶堥 apk 1 | 堧媢奡�� 堥堿��� - ��堛堹�塈堛 媢堥��• We fight, we kiss, we hug |
you friend, I never feel pressured | I could never repay all your acts of kindness |
My dear wife, every moment and every minute that I spend with you, my life becomes a wonderful dream come true.
10As soon as you enter my room you will realize it is a girls' room, by the style, colures, and decorations | I always feel the presence of your love in my life |
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